I learned about the timeline of the internet, computers, pioneers, and blogs. I learned that computers are amazing tools that support us in our jobs and social interactions, much like the pioneers who shaped the internet and the world's innovations. Through blogs, we may communicate with others and share our opinions using technology. 

Blogging demands guts to put our ideas out there for the world to see, just as pioneers had to be bold to venture into the unknown. One of the challenges I face is multitasking because of having a lot of activities/quizzes. Most of the time I can't do it all at the same time. Also, I'm struggling to improve my scores because sometimes I cannot understand the lesson we tackle. If I can't understand the lesson, the results of my quizzes are low. 

To address these challenges, time management is one of the keys to multitasking. Focus the attention on one task at a time and allow us to work more efficiently to achieve greater success. To improve my performance, I'll do self-learning for me to understand the lesson.

I will develop effective study strategies, such as understanding the lesson by advanced reading, note-taking, and practice exercises, to deepen my understanding. Engaging myself with the material in different ways to improve my retention and comprehension.



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